#angor rot x reader
yuki2sksksk · 24 hours
[ Trollhunter Guardian (Y/n) ]
You work as an Arcadian Academy librarian so you can be close to Jim in school. You also lived next to him (where did you get the money? Shhhh no one knows)
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an-autistic-dweeb · 6 months
Angor headcanon.
WARNING⚠️: Just a bit of angst
Angor doesn’t like being touched that much. That being said, he’s extremely touch-starved.
He especially doesn’t like his face being touched, because Morgana always did that and we all know how that went. He also hasn’t had any casual and/or loving physical contact in centuries, so his body immediately perceives such contact as a threat based on instinct.
But if you’re his lover and he’s assured and comfortable with you enough, he’ll give affection a little more physically. Just a little.
He’ll hold your hand, play with your hair occasionally, etc. If he’s really tired he’ll hold you close, almost as if he’s keeping you safe from everything around the two of you.
The way he sees it, you are the one good thing he’s had in a long time. He’s not going to lose that so easily.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 3 months
I'll never leave you again | Angor Rot
Previous chapter (Prologue)
Next Chapter
find the story also on Wattpad, Neobook and Tumblr
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- Angor - The trolless called out as she entered the cave she and her husband inhabited. Their previous cave had been raided by Gunmar's evil forces and the whole village had to flee and wander to find a new place to live. Away from the wars so that the children could grow up in peace, so that the parents did not have to worry about whether their children would return home, or whether the older trolls would be thrown out of the house and beaten to death by Gummies who were looking for a moment's fun.
The woman's voice was strained and the slight breaking of her voice was audible to her husband. Nothing could be hidden from him he knew her too well however he did not avert his golden eyes from the preparations for the expedition - This is a bad idea - She interjected again the blue troll looked worriedly at her beloved sensing that his plan would not work out. She had always believed in her husband but now she doubted his idea undermining his authority as leader of the fallen village of Rot, some of the village managed to escape but some were not so lucky
Those who managed to escape followed the marriage worried, the little trolls cried and the mothers tried to soothe them the men tried to soothe the stressed women. However, the way towards the safe haven was long and hard and for this reason some trolls died on the way from exhaustion their loved ones were also tired, but they stubbornly went on - This is a very bad idea Angora - The woman pleaded the further her husband did not pay attention to her
Finally long light blue claws touched her husband's stony grey skin wrapping her hands around his biceps - Please listen to me - The woman almost begged him to listen to him walker for a moment, she did not trust the sorceress she wants to go to Rot.
- I cannot defend the village of Anoana - He finally spoke up seeing her beautiful green eyes in full view, she was not now wearing her familiar headband which has a tassel on the front covering her eyes and the back of her nose however the distinctive two black claws painted from the eye to the corner of her mouth were on her cheeks - This will help me gain more strength - He confessed facing his wife
Her eyes expressed great worry and concern at the same time exhaustion caused by the trek that had stopped two days ago. They were three days ahead of Gunmar's army, but nobody knew when they would find them again and kill everyone Angor did not want to let this happen again, he had to protect the people at all costs.
He could even give up his birthstone, his soul to protect his village, his people. He could give his life for the Anoana he loved in all worlds.
The light blue troll's lips parted slightly as she raised her hand to touch her husband's cheek, who almost immediately snuggled into her palm squinting and a quiet cat-like murmur issued from his throat - How am I supposed to defend my village when I can't even protect you? - He whispered opening his eyes to encounter cuts and bruises on her body most of the wounds were on her hands and arms, when those in need were helped to get up and walk on. She had a cut on her cheek from Gumm Gumm who attacked her when she tried to help a small troll escape from the village.
He let her out of his sight for a moment and when he heard her shrill scream he froze almost immediately, when he saw Gunmar's servant standing over her and aiming his sword at her wanting to kill her in one blow or inflict as much pain as he could before she would die, he raised his stone hand and ran his finger under the cut being careful not to inflict pain on her. He was worried too, but he did what he thought was right
- The expedition won't take more than two days, we'll still have a day's head start on Gunmar before he finds us - He whispered and his eyes jumped from the cuts on her body to her green eyes
She clenched her jaw tighter looking at him almost appraisingly - Why don't you let me swim with you? - She whispered, coming closer to him - Let me help you - she whispered even more quietly than before raising her other hand to take both stone hands on his cheeks she had to stand on tiptoe to reach, Anoana and Angor were similar in stature they were almost humanoid, their bodies were similar to human bodies more than other trolls they were tall and slim but Rot was taller than his wife.
She barely reached his shoulder however this did not stop them from indulging in affection every day, Anoana gently tilted her head to get a better look at him from a different angle, she wanted to know the answer to her question. She could see Angor's thoughts churning as he thought of an answer that would satisfy her, he sighed heavily through his nose - It's dangerous you know that - He whispered, the woman's hands clasped tighter on his cheeks, he knew she did not accept his words at that moment - Someone must take care of the serfs while I am away - he added after a while hoping that his wife would loosen the grip on his cheeks
- In that case, don't go," she persisted, not wanting to let him go, sensing that something bad would happen. She would be angry with herself if something happened to him she could even say that she would never forgive herself for not being beside him when he gets hurt and vice versa - Stay. Angora please - Anoana still begged him hoping that he would change her husband's mind but she knew him too well and for too long she knew that he was stubborn and wanted to do well, but the black nightmare was standing over her trying to warn her of the danger that was just waiting for her attention Angora
- It will be alright, love - he whispered lifting her chin gently to press his nose to her forehead - Before you know it I will be back with magic and we can live without fear of Gunmar finding us and killing us - he whispered into her forehead, she closed her eyes feeling his nose pressed against her forehead before she had time to respond or enjoy the touch that was meant to reassure her he moved away tucking the last things into the pouch in his belt.
- If I do not return in two days, find a market and stay there with our people - whispered Angor standing at the exit, he was worried about his wife, he could not imagine how she was worried about him but he would not like his nightmare to come true, if Gunmar attacked again he would not have enough strength to fight back. He would not want his wife to die in agony as well as his subjects, he was worried about everyone - It is safe in the market place, please go there with our subjects - he added after a while
- As soon as you are in the market place I will be waiting for us there - He confessed without giving her room for argument or any other words she looked at the ground when he said this without being brave enough to look at her worried green eyes. When he finally got the courage to look at her one last time she said nothing just watched him walk away.
As he looked ahead, as he walked through the middle of the temporary encampment his people had set up he could feel their gaze on him as they looked at him in awe of his courage and sacrifice, no one else would ever dare to look for Morgana. No one would ever dare to ask Morgane for the power she possessed.
As Angor passed through the camp every Troll when they saw the leader bowed gently but this time everyone knelt on one knee lowering their heads low in homage to him and silently conveying their gratitude that he was trying to help them even at the risk of his own life. Even if his wife does not like it and is forced to watch the stature of her beloved disappear somewhere over the horizon.
- I didn't believe you would let him go - A voice beside Anoana spoke up and footsteps approaching her made her realise that her best friend stood beside her as she stared dully at the horizon behind which Angor had disappeared, she didn't even know when the sun was slowly setting - How are you feeling? - Asked quietly Idun gently stroking her friend's shoulder looking with worried eyes as Anoana started to look around realising that she had been standing in one position for hours and was still looking at the path that Angor had followed
- Hopeless - Anoana wheezed, turning her head towards Idun she was young she had dark purple skin and her long black hair was tied in a high step that filled the space between her horns which curled at the ends in spirals. Idun stood out from the other girls, she wore dresses that had cuts on her thighs and on her shoulders she constantly wore a belt in which she had various vials of healing potions and poisons pinned. The time of war has caused the young troll to carry vials with her every time she will be able to defend herself however they are usually hidden in a pouch clipped to her belt. On her back was often a bow, which now lay safely in her temporary shelter but still close enough to the weapon to reach for it as quickly as possible during an attack.
Indun had violet eyes of exceptional beauty, however, she was personally ashamed of them, as it was rare for a troll to be born with violet eyes - I don't know how to feel - Mumbled the older woman after a while, Anoana was older than Indun by at least a hundred years but the two women were friends and were inseparable sometimes Angor claimed that Anoana adopted Indun, as the younger troll was more willing to be in the company of his wife than his own parents.
This made Angor feel jealous at times, however, he would not admit to wanting his wife's attention so much and not wanting to share it. It's not that he didn't like Indun hell he liked this kid he taught her how to hunt and cook good food optionally weaving in teachings on how to be a good leader and how to be a good troll. Anoana and Angor acted as parents in Indun's life without even knowing it the young troll suffered when they weren't there, the purple troll's parents weren't the best or the worst she herself didn't know at what level to define them as they didn't give her the attention the young troll needed
They were not interested in what she was doing all day long
They were not interested in what new things she learned from the village chief
Her parents lived their own lives and all she could do was feel like a fifth wheel but Angor and Anoana effectively made her find the light in her life again and every day she stood with new hope that Angor taught her something new and maybe Anoana would take her with her to look for ingredients for potions or they would learn new spells together.
- Do you think she will get what she wants? - asked Indun quietly, worrying about the older troll as much as Anoana who looked again at the horizon of trees behind which Angor had disappeared. The trolls had a problem with sunlight because as soon as the sun's rays fell on their stony skin it painfully burned their skin turning them into real stone taking away the colour of life that had previously shone in their eyes, which would later turn into grey and emotionless stone - Is Morgana even alive? Does she exist? - asked the younger troll, stopping from foot to foot
- They say that Morgana fell into the ocean because of King Arthur, there is no chance that she will survive - muttered Indun, looking at the trees, in whose shade they would hide to protect themselves from the world and the sunlight. Anoana shook her head - Don't believe these rumours sun - confessed quietly Anoana turning her body towards the younger troll putting her hand on her shoulder for Indun to turn towards her - You see, before Gunmar attacked our village we fished a man out of the sea - recalled the older woman correcting the belt that was wrapped around the younger troll's shoulder - We said a prayer for the man to survive and the goddesses of this world would make her still alive –
- Did they succeed? Did they bring her back to life? - Indun interjected by tilting her head tightly clenching her jaw. Anoana merely smiled and shook her head
- 'It was the decision of the goddesses we have not been able to see if they restored the soul of the woman from the sea,' Anoana confessed quietly, she lifted her hand from the younger troll's shoulder and embraced her cheek stroking the stony skin beneath her eye - 'But we believe that the woman found renewed peace in the world of the living or perhaps she only now knew peace in the world of the dead,' whispered the older troll, she leaned over to press her forehead against the younger troll's forehead - 'And you believe it,' she whispered closing her eyes
Indun looked for a moment at Anoana who presses her blue forehead against hers, the younger troll followed Anoana's lead and also closed her eyes - Of course - whispered the younger troll, after a few seconds they moved away from each other - So now you are in a leadership role? - asked the teenage troll curiously - You mean I can be your right hand? - Indun raised an eyebrow and Anoana dryly giggled while shaking her head
- 'You're too young to be my right hand,' the older trolless giggled as she headed towards the other subordinates Indun took one last look towards the forest sighing heavily at Angor's departure from the village, the young troll hoped that Rot would find what he needed and that the legend of Morgana would not be a mere fairy tale to keep the spirit of the children to believe that there was still magic. The young troll turned on its heel and with long and quick steps tried to catch up with Anoane without having to run up but failed.
- So what is the plan? - asked Indun as she followed the older woman, looking under her feet to avoid falling over tree roots
Anoana only sighed heavily - He instructed us to go to the market place - she confessed quietly - That is reasonable. He said that by the time we get there, he will be waiting for us there - with that the time leader muttered - It makes sense, it will take us two days to get to the market and he will have time to get the magic from Morgana and come back - Anoana shrugged her shoulders wanting to believe what he was saying but stress and uncertainty coursed through her veins as she thought about it more intensely
Indun followed Anoana seeing her shoulders tense and her back as she artificially straightened up pretending to be calm and everything was going according to plan however Indun knew that Angor's wife was worried about him and the expedition he had not taken her on with him. The younger troll watched as the blue trolless moved by the villagers ordering them to get ready to go to the market again, Indun only watched as Anoana began to rule this temporarily over the people of the fallen village of Rot.
The younger troll swallowed hard and went off on her own to pack up her belongings left over from Gunmar's raid on the village of Rot, it is not that Indun did not want to comfort Anoana or see that the older troll needed it, but she began to think that her words would be unnecessary and Anoana would not accept help anyway to calm her thoughts and satisfy the storm that was coursing through her veins.
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime D-16/Megatron B-127/Bumblebee Elita-1 Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Sentinel Prime
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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winter-leftovers · 8 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty five: As The World Caves In (25/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Merlin and the trollhunter team make Jim take a decision. Y/n and Douxie have their last night on earth.
Word count: 4150
Warnings: a lil of angst. +16 stuff, implied smut, nothing explicit
See episode ten of Trollhunters before reading for extra rage!
(Season 3 Episodes 9, 10)
Song?: As The World Caves In by Sarah Cothran
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“We’re home, mom! Y/n! Merlin?” Y/n heard the front door opening “Got the stuff you needed”
Her heart increased its already fast pace.
“He is going to kill me” she whispered as she looked up at the couple surviving pieces of Jim’s vespa laying on the garage’s table from her place on the floor.
“Ugh” Merlin rolled his eyes. The wizard was tired of the girl’s nervousness.
Y/n ignored him. She tried and tried to explain to him how important the vespa was but it didn’t seem to matter to him. It didn’t fit his logic, if it does fit what Merlin already believes, he won't try to do it any other way.
“What’s that smell?” Toby complained.
“Hell” Y/n screamed to the trollhunter team that were still at the door.
“We’re in the garage” Blinky announced.
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were still impregnated by the horrid smell of the cave where Merlin sent them to look for something that he didn’t allow Y/n to see.
Jim followed the voice of the troll, opening the door followed by Toby and Claire carrying the trophies of their conquest.
“It appears your little excursion was just as fruitful as our own” Blinky pointed to the table.
“My vespa?” Jim screamed, only being able to focus on the remains of his bike.
“I’m so sorry, Jim” Y/n stood up.
“Aaah” he dropped to the floor in agony “what did you do?”
“I put it to much better use” Merlin nodded and Y/n pulled one of the covers “This one is for Tobias”
“What?! We got armors too?!” Toby screamed as the sheet fell to the ground revealing an orange suit of armor “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this! So cool! So cool!” He ran up to it to look it up closer. With one of his finger, he carefully caresed the metal “Look how shiny it is”
Y/n smiled, happy that her work with Jim’s bike had made him so happy. She took a step back and looked at her father before revealing the last one.
“And this one is for Lady Claire” Merlin said as the sheet fell revealing a purple set of armor.
“Oh. Wow” Claire breathed “Holy guacamole”
“Do you like it?” Y/n smiled “I used purple because is totally your color”
“Yes” the girl carefully touched the metal “You did this?”
“I like mine better” Toby stated.
“I’m glad. I did it thinking of you” Y/n chuckled, turning to Claire “Yeah. I’m going to have metal under my nails for a hundred years”
“Wow. Thanks. It’s amazing” Claire smiled.
Y/n blushed. She took a step back to observe the happiness her work has made.
“Good work” Merlin ruffled Y/n hair.
She smiled back to her father. Besides being forced to destroy her brother’s bike the afternoon was very tame, nice even. Merlin let her take the lead in the design and construction of the armors. Father and daughter working together side by side on the floor of the garage, recounting old memories in between the comfortable silence.
“That’s surprisingly nice of you, Merlin” Jim said.
“Quick query” Blinky wasn’t as trusty as his student “If we’ve been collecting items for a spell to thwart Gunmar, then why would they require armor?”
“A spell? You thought we would stop Gunmar and Angor Rot without going to war?” Merlin couldn't believe the ingenuity of the troll.
Y/n shifted in her place. They still haven’t recovered from the consequences from the last war but Merlin was right. There wasn’t any other way
“Do you have sand for brains?” The wizard started pacing.
“Wait, a war?” Jim asked.
“Once freed,” Merlin cracked his neck “Morgana will attempt to bring forth the Eternal Night”
“Free Morgana?” Y/n’s voice came out more hopeful than she wanted to.
“Sounds like you’re saying you’re not going to stop Gunmar from freeing that witch” Claire stopped playing with her new armor and turned to the wizard.
“Oh, did I not make myself clear? I’m not here to stop Gunmar” Merlin clenched his fists behind his back. Y/n frowned, she only saw him do this a couple of times: once when Douxie wouldn’t shut up about his staff after almost dying and a couple of times when discussing important matters with King Arthur “I’m here to kill Morgana”
Y/n felt her knees give out. She walked back until she found a solid surface, a wall to hold the weight of her soul. Maybe it was naive, childish even but all these years she hoped to bring back the Morgana she knew, that maybe, if they gave her enough time, Y/n could find a way to bring back the sister she once knew, but with this war, Merlin wouldn’t give her the time.
Her father’s possible words resonated in her mind “Grow up, Y/n! She’s a monster! She’s never going to change! We have to kill her, now!” She would cry and her father would mellow, he would understand the grief her daughter is going through and say “I’m sorry, Birdie but there is no other way”
“And maybe there’s no other way. Maybe I have to grow up. Maybe my sister has been dead this whole time” she thought.
“Jim. Jim. Jim!” Y/n was brought back by Claire’s screams.
“Want to weigh in here?” An irritated Toby asked the trollhunter “Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose”
Y/n looked around, her father had walked to the other side of the room somehow. She walked by the entrance door where he was standing and sat down on the steps, her body still too shaky to stand.
“Wait, he destroyed my Vespa” Jim said.
Y/n chuckled, lowering her head, her shoes suddenly more calming. Looks like she wasn’t the only one at her limit.
“He what? See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!” Blinky screamed.
“Gunmar has the staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her. This is when we will strike. Together, we’ll slay Morgana before the Eternal Night starts” Merlin explained.
“Woah woah woah” interrupted Toby “I’m sorry, you want Jim to go up against Gunmar and Angor Rot and Morgana?”
“Do you have any other idea?” Y/n asked, already disheartened by the circumstances.
“Now is the time to strike” Merlin didn’t let Toby answer “She’s been imprisoned for centuries and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance”
“Wait” Claire stepped forward “If Jim defeats Morgana, you get your magic back”
Y/n lifted her head.
“That would be a pleasant bonus, yes” Merlin frowned.
“Oh, you only want your magic back!” Blinky said ironically “Aaarrrgghh, my friend, put your fist through the old man’s face”
“Well, that’s not fair” Y/n stood up, her face revealing the anger she felt at her friends.
“Mmm. Old man make sense. Stop witch forever” Aaarrrgghh shook his head.
“I’m with Blinky. Sounds like Merlin wants his magic back” Toby said.
“What if Merlin’s right? He’s been right about everything else” Claire frowned, scared of making the wrong choice.
“Thank you” Merlin bowed.
“Claire” Toby chuckled “Gunmar and Morgana wants to destroy the world” he turned to Merlin “We live in this world!”
“Yet, this world is protected by the trollhunter. What say he?” Merlin turned to Jim
“Uuh” Jim looked back at the expecting eyes “I need to think”
“Then, I await your decision” Merlin bowed.
“Jim” Y/n walked up to him with a soft smile in her face, she grabbed his hands “The decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for”
Jim nodded, returning the smile with difficulty, the nervousness creeping into his spine.
Y/n turned back to leave.
“Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we’ll need an army. Aaaarrrgghh and I will see what we can do. As to whom we are fighting. I’ll leave that to master Jim” Blinky said.
Merlin and Y/n shared a look and rolled their eyes.
“She’s not receiving my texts” Y/n tipped with one hand and bitted her other index fingernail.
“Thanks. Call me if you do” Claire says to her phone “My mom hasn’t seen her either”
“She’s not at the hospital” added Toby.
Jim and Y/n looked at eachother, hoping that the other had news they hadn’t shared.
“Asking for mommy’s permission?” Merlin mocked from behind the fridge.
“Shut up” Y/n turned, pointing Merlin with her phone “I used to ask for permission to breathe. There’s no need to be an ass”
Merlin raised his eyebrows, a half smile in his face.
“You’re asking us to wage a war. It’s only fair to have everyone weigh in” Jim explained, calmer than Y/n.
“I’m feeling a bit peckish. Where do you keep your fresh haggis?” Merlin looked through the fridge.
“What sort of cannibal wizard hungers for boiled meat in a sheep’s stomach? Ugh” Toby turned to the door “I’ll see if anyone at the school has seen her”
“What kind of sixteen year old knows what a haggis is?” Y/n frowned.
Before Toby could open the door he was tackled by Nomura.
“Jeez, lady, don’t you knock?” He complained.
“Nomura!” Jim ran to aid his friend and the changeling.
“Blood! There’s blood on the rug and it’s purple!” Toby screamed.
“What happened?” Y/n walked up to the changeling.
“Usurna tried to capture me at the museum” Nomura stood up with difficulty “Gunmar needs a changeling to activate the staff of Avalon”
“So he found a way around my safeguard. He needs human hands who can speak in troll tongue. If they fail to take her, they’ll look for others” Merlin looked at Jim.
“Strickler” he said.
“Mom” Y/n said.
“Do you think she’s with him?” Claire asked.
Jim quickly pulled out his phone and called Strickler only to be sent to voicemail.
“We don’t know for sure she was with him” Toby tried to be positive.
“Don’t be naive” Y/n burst his bubble.
“Split up and search everywhere! Find my mother!” Desperation irradiated from Jim’s plea.
“It’s okay. We’ll find them, Jim” Claire smiled.
Y/n turned to Merlin her eyes full of tears:
“Please, let me go with them” she grabbed his arm.
“Of course, Birdie. What kind of man wouldn’t let her daughter look for her mother?” He smiled, wiping with his thumb the tear that had fallen.
“Thank you, father” she hugged him, her cheek hitting the cold metal of the armor.
“Go” he kissed her head.
Y/n ran to the center of Arcadia looking in every corner hoping to find her mother’s red hair but only finding empty spaces. She walked and walked, praying that she was wrong, that she didn’t send Claire and Toby to a dangerous fight. She imagined Strickler and her mother having a date in a remote corner of Arcadia and for the first time she didn’t want to pull her hair out.
Y/n feet stopped. She looked down, tears falling down from her face, she chuckled.
“Hi, Al”
“Meow” he repeated, rubbing himself between her legs.
Y/n kept looking at the cat with amusement. The way his skinny body moved in circles between her legs, his soft fur felt against his shaky body, how his tail, that seemed burnt at the tip, tickled when it disconnected from her body. Her brain was so filled with tragedy that looking at her cat felt like a religious experience.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice sounded so distant yet so close.
She looked up, finding in the distance the boy, the man which she was hoping to see all day. A smile formed in her face washing away all the tears that were burning her eyes.
“Doux?” she asked, well aware of the answer.
The blue haired guy shifted his broom from hand to hand and waved. His hand stopped in the middle of the air but quickly resumed the greeting.
Y/n laughed at the young wizard, her heart filling with the warmth she craved.
“Doux!” She screamed as she ran to the man’s arms.
“Y/n!” He screamed, dropping the broom to catch her before both of them could fall.
She snaked her legs around his waist, pulling her head away from his neck.
“Hi!” She said with a gigantic smile.
“Hello?” Douxie frowned, his cheeks flushed “are you okay?”
Y/n squinted.
“Were you crying?” Tried to get closer to her eyes.
The sudden happiness that had invaded her body disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Y/n dropped her legs, her eyes filling up once more.
“I’ve been an idiot” she looked deeply into his hazel eyes.
“I really don’t follow” he chuckled, disappointed at the loss of touch.
“Can we talk inside” she points to the library.
Douxie nodded.
Y/n looks at the sky and can’t help to, once again, pray for everyone’s safety.
Y/n followed Douxie to his apartment, to her favourite place in this town: the brown leather couch. She sat down, closing her eyes when her head hit the back. With her eyes closed, she wished she could be more selfish and leave this war to someone else, to go back to her house and say to everyone “hey! We don’t have to do this! Someone else can! Let’s hide at Doux until it’s over!” But she can’t. She couldn’t.
“Do you want something to drink?”
Y/n opened her eyes and found Douxie looking down at her.
“No. No” she grabbed his wrist “Come sit” she pushed him close to her.
“Love, what’s going on? Should I be worried?” Douxie lifted his arms as Y/n finded a comfortable position in his chest.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about everything but I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on” she crossed her arms behind his back “Don’t be mad”
Douxie sighed:
“I’m not mad” he lowered his arms, hugging her back “You said you wanted to talk?”
“I know” her voice trembled.
Douxie looked down at Y/n. Her eyes were lost in whatever was the whole issue at hand. He knew the situation well. Back in Camelot, when Merlin used to make her keep secrets, useless or not so useless secrets that would fill her up, to eat her up, she would shut down like this. Now, she was trying to compartmentalize the secret to tell Douxie what she could without getting into trouble with her father.
“They’re going to free Morgana” Y/n said, tears falling down unapologetically.
“Oh. How…”
“And they’re going to kill her” she sobbed, hiding her face into his chest “I know is the only way…”
“But you hoped it wasn’t” Douxie hugged her tighter.
“Why do we have to do this all over again?” She sat up “Maybe there is another way? I mean…there is a human trollhunter…” she stopped when she saw Douxie’s look.
“I’m sorry” he whispered.
“I know. She doomed and she did it to herself” she lowered her head in Douxie’s shoulder “Maybe in another life”
He hugged her closer trying to absorb the grief from the tragedy that has been following them since they were children. Y/n closed her eyes, melting in his touch.
“Doux” she whispered.
“The world may be ending in a couple of hours…” she looked up.
He looked down at her, his eyes full of curiosity.
She lifted her hands placing it in his cheek, the little stubble prickling her palm. He gave into the warmth of her movement.
“I don’t want it to end without being yours” she whispered, her face red as the roses Douxie had brought for her.
“We don’t have time to get married besides Master…” he rambled, too nervous to answer.
Y/n chuckled:
“No, dumbass” her hand falling to his chest as her face got redder by the second.
“Oh. Oh” he face relaxed and tensed back.
“Oh” Y/n mocked with a smile.
Douxie smiled at the girl's attempt to lighten up the mood. He grabbed her face and got closer to her:
“We don’t have to” he whispered.
“I want to” she grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed with the passion of a woman with no future.
Douxie quickly returned the kiss, his hungry hands wandering Y/n’s torso, finding the hem of the shirt and discarding it easily.
Y/n panted as she felt Douxie’s penetrating gaze on her. The flush traveled to her chest as his glossy eyes moved up and down.
“You’re even more beautiful than the first time I saw you” he said, his cheeks as crimson as hers.
“Thank you” Y/n smiled.
Douxie smiled back and kissed Y/n nose making her giggle.
“Should I?” Y/n gently pulled Douxie’s black shirt.
“Do you want to?” He raised his brow “Scandalous”
“Please, don’t tell the ladies of the court” Y/n laughed as she took out Douxie’s shirt.
Y/n was mesmerized. She probably had the same face he had seconds ago. She stretched her hand, with her fingers caressing his chests, his stomach. Obsessing how Douxie would twitch under her touch.
“Now I get all the teenagers” she pressed her palm on his chest “you’re hot”
“Now you get them?” Douxie pretended to be offended.
Y/n nodded with a big smile as she got closer to his neck, biting the place where his shoulder and neck met.
“Ah” he moaned, pulling Y/n away softly by the hair “What was that?”
“In case we survive. I don’t like sharing” she laughed.
“I don’t like sharing either” Douxie lifted Y/n from the couch and disappeared into the bedroom.
Y/n closed her eyes, Douxie’s limbs and hers tangled with each other, outside the birds sang and the wind ruffled the trees. For a moment, the world is not ending, nobody is dying, she’s not losing a part of herself. She wishes she could live in this moment but she knows that her wishes always fall on deaf ears, that the god that was assigned to her has left the building long ago. She was granted one wish, one good thing for eternity and she was sharing a bed with him.
She felt Douxie shift so she turned to face him.
“I can’t believe I slept with Douxie from Ash Dispersal Pattern” she joked.
Douxie laughed and lifted his head from the pillow. “Good for you love but you better leave before my girlfriend gets here” he said putting on a raspy voice.
“I’ll kill you” Y/n bitted Douxie’s bicep. “That’s an awful Ozzy by the way”
“I do what I can” he dropped back to the pillow, dragging himself to be closer to Y/n.
“What now?” She buried her hand in Douxie’s hair.
“We wait until you have to go or I’ll have to go to the battle of the bands” Douxie’s hand found a place in Y/n waist.
“No! The battle of the bands! I completely forgot” Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose “How do I still have a job is beyond me” Y/n sighed, her job was at the bottom of her list of priorities right now.
“Shh” Douxie pulled her closer “Let’s just lay here. Let’s wait for the end”
“Thank you” Y/n kissed Douxie's forehead.
“Why?” He whispered.
“For going along” Y/n closed her eyes.
“Til the end of eternity” Douxie kissed her cheek, closing his eyes.
Y/n laid there pretending to be in the woods of her childhood, back where her problems were less smothering, back when she could still dream to run away with the errand boy without hurting anybody. Now, she loved more people than the three she had back then. She couldn’t abandon the world without consequences. She had to fight and fighting was going to cost her ever more than last time.
Something turned in Y/n’s stomach.
“Did you feel that?” She sat up, starting to dress up.
“No, I was falling asleep” Douxie muttered.
Something had just happened that was going to change the balance in the world.
“I have to go” Y/n kissed Douxie.
“Should I go with you?” Douxie sat up once the urgency woke him up.
“No, be normal” she screamed from the living room as she looked for her bag.
Y/n moved her wrist making her staff appear in her hand. She took a deep breath and pointed the staff to the door, focussing to make a portal appear. Her staff shot a dark mass that quickly stabilized. Y/n sighed and crossed it, appearing in her house.
She wanted to shout, she hadn't used dark magic in years but the sense of darkness killed all her joy.
The house was a mess. Furniture thrown around everywhere, the tv was on on a random channel, all of the books where in the floor.
“Jim? Father?” Y/n screamed as she walked on top of a broken vase.
“Birdie! Have you found your mother?” Merlin walked out of the kitchen, unfazed by the mess.
“What happened?” Y/n clenched her staff.
“What had to happen” he walked forward with his hands behind his back “I talked to Jim”
“What did you tell him?” Y/n frowned, the feeling was growing stronger.
“I shared with him a vision I had while I rested” Merlin put a hand on Y/n’s shoulder “I saw a way to finally end this stalemate. To win this war, I must have a champion with a foot in both worlds”
“No” Y/n whispered, shaking her head. She looked up at her father with her eyes full of tear “You didn’t” she pushing his hand away.
“It’s his destiny” Merlin said like it would suffice.
“He is a child!” Y/n screamed “Sixteen. A baby”
“It’s the only way!”
“I don’t care!”
Y/n felt the atmosphere dropping, everything was heavy to be quickly lifted from her shoulders. She looked around, everything seemed similar except her father’s concerned face.
“You’re bleeding” he pointed to her face.
She lifted her hand to her nose and cleaned the blood from under it. She looked at it and looked back at her father.
“I don’t…” she couldn’t finish the phrase, a gigantic explosion in her mind interrupted her. She took her hands to her temples trying to quiet down the sound.
“The Eternal Night is here” Morgana’s voice proclaimed and everything was quiet once more.
Y/n looked up at her father, cleaning up the new blood coming out from her nose:
“She’s out”
Y/n heard the faucet turned on and ran up stairs ignoring the rest of blood in her hands and face.
“Jim” she screamed “Please! Let me find another way!” She screamed and kicked the door.
“Y/n Ambrosius do not interviene. It’s his choice” Merlin warned from the living room.
“Jim! Please!” She cried and knocked on the door until her knuckles bleeded.
Y/n sat by the door in silence as she heard the tub filled up. She screamed and kicked and knocked, he wasn’t coming out.
“I guess I’m staying until you come out” Y/n chuckled “He’s right. It’s your choice and I already told you the decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for. I guess this still applies”
The faucet stopped.
Y/n stood up.
“I love you, Jim” She whispered to the door “I’ll see you on the other side”
Y/n walked down the stairs and sat on the floor looking at her father walking around the room.
“There really wasn’t any other way?” She asked one last time trying to kill her guilt. She already knew if it was in his father’s vision it was probably the only way.
“No” he shook his head.
She nodded. Lowering her head, waiting for Jim to come out. Y/n smiled when she noticed she had accidentally put on Douxie’s shirt.
“Jim” Toby screamed.
Y/n looked at the door. Claire and Toby had brought her mother and Stickler back in one piece.
“Where’s Jim?” Barbara screamed at the wizard that was playing with the tv.
“Finally becoming a true trollhunter” Merlin said.
“You never” Strickler stepped forward.
The house shook, making Barbara follow the sounds.
“Jim! “She screamed “are you in there?”
They screamed and kicked and knocked but Jim wouldn’t answer.
Y/n stood up and walked to her father, like a child who's afraid would do when she can’t tolerate the dark anymore. She pressed her forehead on his back, closing her eyes with force, trying to block out the screams and then the silence.
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A/n: every time I see a cat is a religious experience.
I’m back with more!!! I think 4150 words is the longest I ever written in this series I honestly don’t know what happened but I’m happy with this chapter ☺️ sorry for the delay but THEY CUT MY POWER AGAIN FOR THREE DAYS dont get me started you’ll read my manifesto soon. Also my silly course is over friday 🙏🏻 if I pass it would mean extra credit so pray for me
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @castle-archives If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know! 📩
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Tales Of Arcadia Masterlist
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Swords and Stab Wounds | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader  
Kiss Me | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader  
Jolene | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader  
To the Storm | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader  
BIRTH(day) | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Sweater | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Sleep, Darling | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Werewolves in Arcadia | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Africa by Toto | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Chamomile Tea | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
A Possible Timeline | Hisirdoux Casperan - Requested  
Poem | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested/Drabble Request
Royalty | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested/Drabble Request
Villain | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested/Drabble Request  
Cradle | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested/Drabble Request  
E-Y-E-S | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested/Drabble Request
DANGER | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader  
Almost A Thousand Years HCs | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader  
Safe | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader  
Dating | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Dye | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Are Ya Winning, Son? | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Munch Munch | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Break Time | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - Requested  
Almost a Thousand Years | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader -  MASTERLIST  
It All Ends in Blood | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - It Ain’t Always What it Seems, As Someone Guilty of the Game, There is Nowhere for You to Hide, Into the Dead of Night
What Do We Do With | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader - A Sad Bounty Hunter, A Gosh Darn Assassin, A Drunken Wizard
Zoe Ashildr
They’re So Pretty, It Hurts | Zoe x Reader  
Bewitch | Zoe x Reader - Requested/Drabble Request
Roses | Zoe x Reader - Requested/Drabble Request  
GORLS | Zoe x Reader  
The Order
Bellroc | Bellroc x Reader - Requested  
Sneeze | Bellroc x Reader - Requested  
Pyro | Bellroc x Reader - Requested 
TechnoMage | The Order x Reader - Requested
Angor Rot
Pretty Boi | Angor Rot  
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uniquely-mystical03 · 3 years
Could your witre about Angor rot and the reader knowing each other before Angor got his soul taken then in the modern present Angor meet the reader again
(Name = Y/N,  Last Name = L/N,  Your Pronouns = y/p, Eye Color = e/c)
Gunmar’s declaration of war against the humans had come down hard on everyone, humans and trolls alike. The humans had protection under King Arthur, and his knights and wizards. The trolls, however, had to fend for themselves. Angor Rot was one of the few trolls in existence who possessed the magical abilities of a mage. Magical abilities that allowed him the opportunity to protect his kind from the Gumm-Gumms. He couldn’t directly fight the brutes, but at least he could keep others safe from this war.
​“Angor!” Angor looked up at the call of his name, catching sight of Eros, one of the healers among his tribe.
​“What is it, Eros?”
​“There’s a group of trolls approaching the border, and they’re being led here by… a human.” Angor’s eyes widened.
​“Show me.” Eros led him through the small troll settlement, many trolls turning away from their current activities to watch the healer and their protector make their way to the border just outside the village. Upon arrival, Angor took notice of the small collection of trolls of varying ages gathered outside the border. Among the gathering of trolls stood a small cloaked figure, a goblin of goblins surrounding them as they went from troll to troll. “Stay here, Eros. I will check on this.” Angor ordered before making his way past the border and towards the trolls. A few members of the group took notice of Angor’s approach, including one of the goblins.
​“Chaka cha!” The figure looked up from checking with one of the younglings, finally taking notice of Angor.
​“Greetings, Angor Rot. It’s been a while.” The figure greeted, lowering their hood. Angor grinned, recognizing the human before him.
​“Y/N L/N. Good to see you’re still alive.”
​“King Arthur is too focused on the war to come to notice one of the castle healers escaping the kingdom with a collection of trolls.” Y/N claimed, crossing y/p arms over y/p chest. Angor nodded, turning back to the border to signal Eros forward.
​“Eros and the others will take over from here. You best return before the sun rises.”
​“Actually, I need to replenish my stock of herbs.” Y/N interjected, rifling through y/p satchel before glancing up at Angor, “Would you like to accompany me?”
​“I suppose I shouldn’t leave you to roam on your own.” Angor replied, “What are friends for after all.”
​Angor trudged through the sewers of Arcadia Oaks, his mind still reeling from the pixie messing with his head. Enlisting the help of a Trollhunter was not something Angor Rot would ever have seen himself doing, but he could not directly confront the Changeling himself. For now, this was the path Angor followed, and he hoped that the boy would come through.
​“You look like you’ve seen better days.” Angor whirled around at the sudden voice behind him, drawing his blade. There, leaning against the wall of the sewers was a very familiar figure. Angor faltered, the grip he had on his blade loosening slightly.
“Hello, old friend.” Y/N greeted, pushing off the wall, “It’s been a long time.” Angor stared at y/p in disbelief for a long while before shaking his head. He knocked his head, growling in irritation.
“You aren’t really here. This is a trick. The work of pixies.” Angor claimed, turning away from Y/N as he focused on trying to get the new pixie out of his head. A hand came up to touch Angor’s cheek, startling him to the point of dropping his blade. Angor stared down at Y/N as y/p held his face between y/p hands, forcing him to look at y/p.
“I’m here, Angor.” Y/N reassured, pulling his head down to touch their foreheads together, “I’m here and I’m not leaving. Not again.” Angor reached up, covering Y/N’s hands with his own, closing his eyes as he leaned into y/p touch. Pain and sorrow welled up inside of Angor’s living stone, forcing him to acknowledge the one thing he knew he couldn’t avoid.
“My soul was stolen from me, Y/N. I’m a husk of what I used to be.”
“Then, we’ll get it back.” Angor opened his eyes, gazing into Y/N’s e/c eyes.
“We’re in this together, Angor. You and I.” Y/N claimed, smiling in a soft reassuring way, “What are friends for after all.”
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At a negotiation with Angor Rot
(Y/N): Do you want anything to drink?
Angor Rot: The tears of my enemies, wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed-
(Y/N): I have jasmine tea.
Angor Rot: Ooh, jasmine!
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Being Jim's older sibling and meeting Angor Rot
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Request: Yes or No
I'm a simp for this bloodthirsty assassin
You let out a soft sigh, pulling into the driveway and getting out of the car. You could hear Jim and Barbara arguing inside again. You got out of the car, closing the door and walking up to the front door. You took out your key, going to unlock it before sighing. You weren't in the mood to be a peacemaker. You turned, walking away from the house and heading down the sidewalk. A chill went down your spine, unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. You lowered the music from your phone, hearing a soft grunt from the woods next to the sidewalk.
"I know you're there." You called out, taking out the earphones. A moment of silence passed before a deep chuckle came from the woods.
"Smarter than you look, human." You heard footsteps come out from the woods and stop behind you. You turned around, looking up and staring into bright golden eyes.
"Who are you? Another one of Strickler friends?" You asked. The troll sneered, eyes narrowing.
"That impure is not my friend. He's a nuisance. I am Angor Rot."
"(Y/N) Lake." You responded, looking him over. Your gaze settled on the staff and dagger he had.
"Well, I'm not the Trollhunter you're looking for." You looked back up at him, sliding your phone into your back pocket. Angor tilted his head, leaning down to be at eye level with you.
"Are you not afraid for your brothers life? How interesting.." Angor gripped the handle of his dagger, raising it up and holding it to your throat.
"Why don't you fear me? You should be cowering and pleading for your life. I've killed more-"
"I don't need a speech." You cut him off, pushing his hand away. Angor blinked before he scowled, leaning back. He lifted his staff, making a black portal beside him.
"Yes, you are.. quite interesting. How long will it take for your mother and brother to notice you've gone missing?"
Gifs aren't mine.
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my-soulful-remedy · 4 years
Chapter 1 of Purple Haze! An X Reader that involves a non-corrupted Angor Rot and a self indulgent plot. Hope to write multiple chapters for this! Your support means everything! 
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yuki2sksksk · 11 days
Angor Rot x Reader, but you are an assigned Guardian/Protector for every chosen Trollhunters so it's lovers to enemies
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an-autistic-dweeb · 6 months
Angor Rot Headcanon. (#2)
WARNING⚠️: Mild angst and the feelies.
If you are Angor’s lover, he’s very distant. Whether it’s before or after his redemption, he’ll always have trouble with reciprocating affection, visiting you, and even saying basic things like “I love you.”
In terms of before his redemption, he just wants to do everything it takes to get his soul back. Whether it’s a simple task or a full blown conspiracy-type assassination. The way he sees it, he can love you to the full extent when he’s whole. (Not to mention, it’s hard to love someone when you don’t have a soul.)
In the scenario where he’s on his path to redemption(soul included)… He doesn’t think he’s deserving of it. At that point, he believes he’s done too much wrong to be deserving of care and affection. He doesn’t understand why you would care for him, after everything he’s done. He’s hurt far too many to even be worth a second of your time.
Despite these cases, he won’t simply desert you. Yes, you two would likely argue about his absence, but he’d never dream of leaving you. He doesn’t know how he ended up loving you. Let alone how you ended up reciprocating his feelings. But Morgana be damned, he’ll try his best if it hurts you that much.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 months
Next chapter (three)
Chapter One
Find a story on Wattpad, Neobook, Tumblr
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Anoana wasn't too interested in the new troll hunter in fact she was never up to date on who the current new troll hunter was. She always believed that it was her husband who would be able to protect her even if he never returned from his trip to the islands of the gods as she called it, it's not that she didn't miss Angor the truth is that there wasn't a day or night in which she didn't weep watching the bed she sleeps in still empty on the other side.
It was as if she believed that Angor would regain her soul and return to her and Morgana would eventually be killed so that the couple could once again happily develop their village.
A village that is no longer there. She wasn't able to run the village she handed over the power to Vendel however she is still beside the old man to help him, not all the trolls of Rot village took the sudden change of power well they hoped that Angora's wife would handle the pressure and make them rebuild their village somewhere other than the marketplace however none of that happened. According to Anoana, this was the safest option she could have chosen.
she couldn't handle the pressure of being a leader she was used to standing by optionally suggesting what to do, smiling at the crowd when her husband spoke or she had time to help her subjects in the village. Here she helped the blacksmith with bringing rare metals she found in the deepest caves, here she helped in the troll nursery to teach the young trolls about the magic that could be extracted from every object from flowers, from tree leaves, from tree bark she showed them how to extract magic, from the nature that surrounded them on every side.
However, not every young troll was interested in this so she had the story of her expeditions in store, which were more interesting for children however, when the village of Rot joined the marketplace and there was no trace of Angor Anoana's heart broke however her hope that she would get her husband back did not diminish. She had a bad feeling about the expedition and yet she let him out of the village she feared that he had died on the way to the island where Morgana is located however, when she heard that Angor had become an assassin for Morgana her heart beat harder and her hope was strengthened she dreamed every night of meeting her beloved.
She disregarded the crimes he had committed, she told herself that he had been forced to do so. Since he was left, when Anoana learned that Angor had lost his soul her heart broke again every day and night she sat over her books and even books borrowed from Vendel optionally from Blinky with more willingness or less to lend to his wife the killer, she tried to find a way to retrieve Angor's souls from the hands of the shadow goddess however with poor results.
Unable to find the right spell even if she used forbidden books, after sleepless nights she finally succumbed to Indun who, each day worrying about her mother-to-be, urged her to rest. When Anoana finally succumbed to the younger troll she quietly uttered a vow to find a way to be reunited with her husband even if it was at the cost of her health or life, when the woman finally scaled back her attempts from finding a way to get her husband back she did not let go of learning spells such as transformation into any living being in this world
She was able to change into a lizard, a bird, a horse practically any animal she could dream up into she even went so far as to try to change into a dragon or a griffin, but she failed however with the help of an old friend she soon got the desired effect only she had a small problem.
She couldn't change into a human being whenever she tried and the magic around her blew away everything around her creating a small tornado and she slowly floated into the air feeling the magic flow through her body stretching or shrinking parts of her body however not everything went as smoothly as she wanted it to
Although she resembled a human her skin was flesh-colored maybe slightly pale, but to her eye her complexion was too pale, she still couldn't hide her horns or her tail the sun kept burning her turning her skin to stone, despite many attempts she still failed, when the appearance suited her thinking it wouldn't arouse people's suspicions the sun had a different plan, she couldn't produce a shield that protected her from the scorching sun just waiting to turn her to stone.
 After several months of trying to turn herself into a human she finally gave up still living on the border of the Market in the most remote place, it's not that she didn't want to meet other trolls or talk to them she just didn't feel confident to live in a stone heart without Angora, after losing her husband she felt that her position had declined and she shouldn't elevate herself above other trolls as if she did before.
Although the biggest reason she isolated herself from the rest of the troll society was that trolls didn't like shapeshiftersodź she took lessons from the "hiding" of a certain young wizard to change her body into animals, she was afraid to brag to C about her abilities for fear of being shunned by society. Although Vendel knew what she had learned and applauded her power, which she continued to strengthen, he respected her decision to hide it in secret although he didn't understand why.
- Anoano what are you thinking about?  - Asked Vendel's calm voice as the stone tankard came into contact with the stone table, the old man's heavy footsteps rang out among the crowd of other trolls in the tavern. Vendel sat down in front of the troll with his drink as his pale eyes looked intently at the widow - Your head is full of thoughts at the same time it is full of tension, not what you would expect from a wizard - Vendel added with his scholarly tone
Anoana smiled with difficulty as she listened to her leader's every word, her green eyes momentarily fixed on Vendel's staff made of a stone heart which, like the stone heart in the middle of the troll market, shimmered pink and orange - You're thinking about him again aren't you? - Vendel asked rhetorically, seeing the gaze of the woman, who thoughtfully began to braid her long red hair in a tight braid so as not to get her precious hair wet in a mug full of dried leaves, people call it tea, but Anoana didn't like human tea, so with the help of her transformation into a cat and a bird she watched people make this invention.
And she created her own mixture of leaves that tasted good to her, Indun and Vendel. The pleasant smell of brewed leaves split her nostrils as she thought of an answer she could give to the old man - It's been centuries since I've seen him, I've only heard horrible stories until he suddenly sank to the ground - whispered Anoana not wanting to speak louder so that the inquisitive ears of the trolls wouldn't hear what she was saying, she moved her protruding long ears gently to pick up any suspicious words in the tavern but heard nothing of interest
- I hope to find Infern Copul to give him back his stolen soul and to get back his husband," she stated her plan so confidently however not once did she move further from Arcadia even using the sewer tunnels she was unable to go further than the end of the city then doubts and maybe even panic flooded her veins effectively scaring her from traveling further. She had no problem leaving the market or Arcadia when she was trying to find out what the tea was made of however, when she wanted to move on the expedition and get her husband back fear was wracking her body.
- It was a rhetorical question," Vendel muttered, wanting to throw another smart remark, but refrained, "You've been planning this for decades and you still haven't done anything about it," the old man shook his head in disapproval he knew what it was to lose love however Anoana couldn't accept the fact that Angora was gone and unlikely to return to her life, he was defeated and imprisoned even the old man himself didn't know the exact location of Morgana's servant's prison.
Anoana squinted exceptionally she was not wearing a scarf, on her hair she had loose tassels hiding her green eyes, without a scarf she felt a bit undressed however she did not want to tie a scarf on her hair. Vendel dropped by her house while she was weighing potions out of boredom offered to drink tea together Anoana couldn't refuse him so that's how she ended up here. At the inn.
- I know Vendel - She muttered as her shoulders slumped in resignation - However, I will soon be able to go further out than before - She added after a while in the same dreamy tone, she twisted the stone tankard in her hand as she looked at the drink that was swirling inside the tankard - Please change the subject - She sighed heavily through her nose however Vendel understood why she asked this so he meekly nodded his head
Vendel did not have to think long about the next topic of conversation - Our human troll hunter challenged Draal to a duel. Did you hear about that? - He asked raising his eyebrow as he took a sip of tea without taking his eyes off the woman in front of him. The light blue troll's eyebrows rose high up, she was not yet used to the fact that their new troll hunter was human however she did not underestimate Jim, she had seen him from afar and knew that this young boy would do great deeds however he needed solid training not a tournament of who would die faster
- Are you sure this rumor is true? - asked the woman skeptically, putting the tankard down in front of her with a silly clatter as the tankard touched the stone floor of the table - Isn't this another invention of Draal? - asked the woman - The last time Draal challenged someone to a duel it turned out that the opponent didn't even know about it - the woman added after a while under her breath
- This time I trust Draal's words - Vendel muttered, rolling his eyes at the words muttered by the widow - I am inclined to believe that the troll hunter dared to challenge Draal - Vendel defended himself, finishing his tea without paying attention, that the widow hadn't even started drinking her warm decoction - I'm betting that the fight will be short anyway - Vendel shrugged his shoulders - But I hope I'm wrong - He added after a while feeling Anoana's appraising gaze on him
- Don't you believe in a boy? - She asked curiously, she knew such a case. Indun, considered by many a weak and naive girl too weak to face the monstrosity of this world and yet, when Anoana and Angor trained her taught her how to fight, how to use simple spells such as shield protection then Indun grew into a capable warrior, everyone could envy her. Anoana had a feeling that Jim Lake Jr. will be similar to Indun no one believes in him except a group of friends however at some point he will grow into a capable warrior for whom everyone will bow down for the work he does
Vendel squinted his pale eyes and murmured something under his breath - Disbelieving someone is a strong word - explained the old man linking his hands together on the table top he pressed his lips tighter together forming his mouth into a thin line feeling how his lips are still moist after drinking tea - However, I will admit that I have mixed thoughts about the boy - explained Vendel scratching his long beard, Anoana smiled gently hearing the sincerity of her friend who sometimes becomes her mentor
- Amulet chose Jim must have a reason," she finally explained taking the first sip of tea in this meeting, "Jim may have potential he doesn't know about yet," the woman muttered turning her gaze from Vendel to the table to their right, where Blinky was sitting, Aaarrrgghh, "Jim can be like a crystal, if he is polished well -
- This will emerge a strong fighter - Finished Vendel knowing what Anoana wants to say - I might agree - The old man followed the woman's gaze and also looked at the two friends, before he could utter his next words Anoana forewarned him
- However, you don't believe Blinky is a good teacher - She raised an eyebrow as she slowly turned her head towards the old man straightening up in her seat even more than necessary - I believe Blinky has learned from his mistakes and a bond will soon be formed between him and our new troll hunter -.
- Anoano, you are forging ahead," sighed Vendel, also taking his eyes off the table of trolls they were looking at, the market leader said nothing more to even contradict the woman's words. He wanted to chastise her for once again looking too far into the future, which might kick her in the butt because of what she had thought up and failed - In that case, will you come to the fight tomorrow? - finally asked the old man changing the subject
Anoana shook her head with a mocking smile on her face as she gently dropped her head. When she lifted her gaze she encountered two people sitting across from Blinky and Aaarrrgghh she immediately recognized the troll hunter and his friend - A busy schedule I have - She winked with a smile, ran her tongue over the top line of her teeth - However, I will come - Finally she looked towards Vendel nodding her head
Vendel smiled - In that case, I'll see you tomorrow - He said goodbye to the woman, who answered him with a brief nod of farewell as she stared dully into the mug of tea in front of her. When she raised her gaze again she stuck her gaze into the foursome who were whispering to each other, not overhearing them her long ears lowered to avoid accidentally hearing what secrets they were whispering to each other.
She hoped she wasn't looking too far into the future and Jim would turn out to be what she hoped he would become. She stared intently at the foursome contemplating the human troll hunter she hoped she was telling the truth and Jim would turn out to be worthy of having the amulet and maybe even be the best troll hunter in the history of trolls.
She smiled under her breath as she finished her tea in one gulp and moved away from the table. She would get up to go to her house and prepare for tomorrow's duel between the troll hunter and Draal, she didn't notice that the new troll hunter was also looking at her as she was looking at him. Jim turned again toward Blinky who was assessing the photo that Toby had taken when they fought the shapeshifter in the museum, but the troll hunter had something else on his mind right now other than worrying that some troll was looking at him as if he was assessing him.
✮⋆。°✩⋆˙⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆*: ・゚✧*: ・゚
Jim's speech after winning the battle with Draal brought only the fact that Vendel left the marketplace with the help of Blinkie and Aaarrrgghh to check what Jim saw was actually a decapitated bridge and not some other monument. Panic broke out in the marketplace, but Vendel with the help of Anoana and Indun successfully calmed the crowd of anxious trolls.
At the request of an elderly woman, Indun stayed at the market to keep watch over the peace while she was away.
Vendel, Aaarrrgghh and Blinky waited behind the human troll hunter and his friend at the time the market leader was looking at the displays on display in the museum, Vendel did not necessarily understand the art that people enjoyed so much. Holding his scepter tightly as his patience ran out Aaarrrgghh looked around from time to time hoping that Jim and the appendage would soon arrive Blinky meanwhile was boiling in place with stress trying to somehow strike up a conversation with Vendel but after another reluctant mutter from the leader he finally understood Vendel's allusion and stopped talking.
- Let's hope he does something about the cameras," Jim muttered, stepping through the window inside the museum as he began to look around for a potential museum security guard this time Toby was trying to squeeze through a narrow window. Letting out a sigh and moving around the troll hunter's friend tried to get inside the museum
- Oh boy, so it's true," muttered Toby squeezing himself into the window, as his body slowly squeezed through the window frame, Jim extended him a helping hand but Toby ignored it or didn't even notice it, "The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime," after saying these words Tobes body finally freed itself from the grasp of the window to jump inside and fall to the ground with a silent thud, Jim seeing his friend fall only contorted his face in a sign of pain
- He thinks the Arrest will convert us, but it's even worse," concluded Domzalski trotting after his friend unable to catch up with him, Jim without turning behind him walked on without waiting behind his friend knowing he was following him
- Lucky there are no goblins," whispered Jim more to himself than to Tobes, the two teens were walking deeper into the museum, where the market leader, Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were waiting behind them, however, the teens were not the only ones who were late.
Vendel was getting more and more impatient, but he was looking curiously at the relics on display and his eye was caught by an old-fashioned dress from the Renaissance, but he didn't like it, He furrowed his brow and wrinkles formed on his forehead as he began to gently tap the mannequin on which the dress was displayed with his scepter - What a ridiculous garment - he muttered under his breath and Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were forced to stand behind him for a good half hour while the leader looked at one and the same thing.
The two trolls simultaneously rolled their eyes, however, when they heard footsteps behind them they turned to see Jim and Toby walking hurriedly toward them. Blinky had a tightly wrinkled nose - You're late," he accused them almost immediately as the teenagers approached them
- Yes, Yes, sorry Draal trained Jim," explained Tobes which was clearly meant to keep the secret that Kanjigar's son now lives in his basement to protect the teenager and his mother Barbara. Tobes receiving an elbow to the stomach looked with a confused look at his friend, who threw him a brief look full of anger, the green big troll raised his eyebrows a little lower than Blinky's
- Draal? - muttered Aaarrrgghh - He was training? - Finished Blinky both confused whether they heard correctly
The young troll hunter squirmed when he realized that he would have to explain to his mentor and Aaarrrgghh that Draal lives in his house to protect him and his mother - Yes. He has settled a bit in the basement - Jim had a tendency that when he was stressed or didn't know what to say he waved his hands to emphasize his point of view this moment he rubbed his hand over his knuckles as he explained - He makes for a bodyguard - Lake shrugged his shoulders not knowing what more to add
Blinky squinted - Of course the defeated troll turns to the victorious duelist asking for shelter," Blinky concluded sarcastically, linking his hands in front of him as if he wanted to pray to the gods that Jim would not be stupid enough to make it true
- So everything is fine? - Summed up Jim with a quiet hope that what Draal did was normal however, when Blinkie's shoulders slumped and he threw him an angry look and Aaarrrgghh behind the blue troll was shaking his head the teenager quickly realized that what Kanjigar's son did was not normal for the custom of trolls
- Oh yes everything is fine," concluded Blinky almost growling at Jim, "As long as there is no catastrophe even worse because of this! To a cataclysm! - outraged Blinky still throwing sarcastic remarks. Jim sighed heavily feeling embarrassed, before Blinky could continue his tirade interjected Vendel who stood behind the two trolls and listened to everything
- Are we, with apologies, waiting to be caught? Or are you going to show me what is supposed to resemble a bridge of decapitation? - Demanded Vendel and impatience and annoyance flooded him as the meeting grew longer and longer, when Blinky wanted to answer by placing his one of his four hands on Jim's shoulder but the words had not had time to leave his mouth when a small white bird flew into the museum. Not a typical bird, as it did not resemble a pigeon or any other bird often found in Arcadia
The bird was white one on its wings there were brown and red feathers that created an ombre effect on the bird's wings. As the bird was getting closer and closer to them Jim unconsciously pulled out the amulet sensing that this bird could be a threat come to think of it the little one sensed that something was wrong with this bird because it wasn't acting like a well... a real bird... The teenager wasn't wrong because the closer he got to them the more the animal lowered its flight to soon turn into a ball of light which transformed into a troll.
Anoana straightened up coming out of the bird's body she corrected her white dress the closer she got to the group, her steps were steady she was in no hurry. Jim raised his eyebrows seeing Anoana remembering that she was the one who had looked at him in the inn but now the trolless was wearing her familiar headdress and the tassels fell freely down covering her eyes and part of her nose and her light blue skin stood out delicately against the dark museum - Vendel where is that characteristic calm of yours? - Anoana almost mocked the leader by standing next to him
- Did she? - Toby pointed at the troll looking at her long white horns which were not curled like those of other trolls, but she had horns similar to a deer and her red hair was pulled back but in front she had two braids, her hair reached her calves she was a bit bigger than the hunchbacked leader, maybe if the old man had straightened up Vendel would have surpassed her - She was a bird just now! - Said Toby loudly however Jim quickly silenced him
Lake and Domzalski didn't know what to think they had heard about shapeshifters only that the ones in Blinkie's story didn't turn into animals - Oh - Anoana muttered - I didn't know that my entrance would cause so much confusion, she hurried - She added after a moment in thought - Apparently people have never seen real magic - she added thoughtfully
Vendel merely rolled his eyes, unable to wait to see the decapitated bridge as long as the young troll hunter actually saw the decapitated bridge. Before Jim or anyone else had time to ask questions about the magic Anoana was talking about Vendel interjected - Can we move? - demanded the leader
Blinky shook his head, shaking off his surprise at the widow's sudden appearance. Galadrigal patted Jim again - It was just our hunter who wanted to lead us - Blinkous stated, the teenager only smiled awkwardly
- That's right," choked Jim, "I was just about to do it," muttered the teenager as he started walking toward where he found a bridge, or something that resembled a bridge of decapitation.
The group moved deeper into the museum Anoana was enthralled by the art that was on display for visitors, whenever she could she would stop to look at the exhibits, when the group moved away without waiting behind the troll this one walked away from the exhibits she sped up her steps to be able to catch up with the group that was not waiting behind the widow.
Jim walking towards the bridge of the decapitated head which he found or as he let it pass he found, the widow didn't listen too much however she focused when Jim opened the door - And then we escape from the goblins - Jim explained and Anoana raised her eyebrows, she really should have listened from the beginning when Jim spoke however she couldn't help but be more focused for the museum exhibits - And what do we see? The bridge of the decapitated head - Jim dramatically pushed back the white sheets that covered the closed exhibition
The teenager to add drama rested his hands on his hips, but to the group's eyes appeared an unknown large thing hidden under the sheet. Blinky and Vendel's eyes widened and after a moment they looked at each other, the two teenagers would move to be able to reveal to them what was hiding under the sheet being sure that it was the bridge of a decapitated head, the group of trolls slowly approached the two teenagers who were trying to pull down the large tarp.
Anoana approached the two teenagers - I'll help - She murmured kindly bending down to pick up the white tarp wanting to help the young troll hunter and his appendage however Aaarrrgghh preceded her pushing the teenagers away. The widow, understanding that Aaarrrgghh would pull down the tarp in one stroke just as the teenagers obediently stepped back giving room to the bigger and stronger troll
Aaarrrgghh pulling down the tarpaulin in one motion showed the eyes of the group a huge wooden ship from some era, the widow bet that the ship was from the medieval era or maybe even the Viking era, it was hard for her to tell however the ship itself made her delighted with it. Vendel looked at the troll hunter with annoyance - It doesn't look like a bridge to me - the old man muttered The widow wanted to throw him a sarcastic remark, but refrained as she looked at the ship
- Well he was here - The human troll hunter stressed mumbling quickly wanting them to believe his words that the decapitation bridge was here, if he was so insistent that he saw the decapitation bridge then, why is there a Viking era ship here? Anoana turned her head slightly as Lake continued to explain however he spoke quickly and it was difficult to understand any words, the troll hunter pulled his friend by the hand wanting him to confirm his version of events - After all, you were here yesterday you even took a picture! - Lake almost begged Domzalski to confirm what Jim was trying to present
- Apparently so - stammered Toby - But it wasn't sharp and I forgot to turn on the lamp - argued Tobes without even noticing how Vendel's face is getting more and more annoyed as they listen to the explanations of the troll hunter and his friend - Plus that crazy pace - muttered Toby and Jim crooked more and more when he realized that Blinky might have been right, that he was predicted - We were rushing blindly, they were chasing us - argued Tobes further, ignoring Jim's nervous eye
- Maybe there was no bridge? - grimaced Domzalski as he came to this conclusion, Vendel on cue turned towards the smaller blue troll with an accusatory and angry look full of irritation that flooded the veins of the older troll as he continued to hunch over while holding his scepter as tightly as he could
- Blinkous Galadrigal - Vendel pronounced the name almost with even more irritation as he watched the smaller troll's shoulders slump as the older troll looked at him accusingly - I haven't left the marketplace for a century - Recalled the marketplace chief - I agreed to this trip because you deluded me with the vision of seeing the bridge - Said an exasperated Vendel as blood bubbled in his veins
- You put me in danger Blinkous," Vendel sent him an even angrier look, to which Blinky replied with the same crossed his first pair of arms on his chest and rested his second pair of hands on his hips as Vendel tapped his cane on the ground to express his displeasure more forcefully
- If Master Jim claims to have seen," argued Blinky, but he was not allowed to finish, "So you let yourself be misled," growled Vendel, the widow looking at the situation like the rest of the group, she let the air out hard through her nose shaking her head
- We both know how much you like conspiracies and plotting," Vendel argued, wanting to explain to Galadrigal what a mistake he had made by trusting the young troll hunter so much that he took Vendel out after centuries when he didn't have to leave. Anoana looked at the troll hunter whose shoulders slumped hearing Vendel vent his anger at his mentor. The widow didn't want to say anything for now to curb Blinkous' reprimand
- Conspiracies meddle me," Blinky argued as he said this very poetically pointing his finger at the chief to emphasize his point of view, "That's why I want to expose them," he argued further punching his fists in the air as more and more irritation awoke in the lesser troll as in Vendel.
- Like when you decided to rid our world of cat meat," Vendel raised one eyebrow in boredom as he heard Blinke's resistance to Blinke's claim that the troll hunter might be right, Anoana took no sides she knew that at some point the shapeshifters would want to rebuild the bridge of the felled head after all Bular wants his father back and Gunmar wants the whole world. The widow knew it was a matter of time when the dark night would come she only hoped that she would find her husband in time to give him his soul at the same time run away with him as far as she could to hide in the darkness of the caves.
- A big misunderstanding," Blinky indignantly moved back as he rested all four pairs of hands on his hips, Jim looked confused towards Aaarrrgghh who was standing behind the ship. The human troll hunter asked a silent question to the pacifist if what Vendel was saying was true to which the latter nodded without uttering a single word to interrupt the argument between Galadrigal
- And remember how you made us believe that our furs were teeming with fleas? - Vendel continued to argue however Blinky did not see his errors in this
Anoana quietly sighed, seeing the growing argument - But it's true - She muttered under her breath, but no one heard it at least she thought so Jim sent her a confused look this time - Calmly this outbreak has been resolved but sometimes it happens that a troll has fleas - she explained to the teenager, who only nodded in understanding
- Prudence the highest virtue," Blinky argued, but he felt the ground disappear under his feet as Vendel became increasingly aware of his mistakes which made the chief even more distrustful of him if he trusted him at all....
- Everyone believed it," Vendel muttered, "Everyone in the marketplace thinks you're paranoid! -
- If everyone thinks so then it must be some kind of conspiracy! - Exploded Blinky without paying attention to the words, his earlier arguments went to ruin when he realized what he had said before he had time to correct his words, the old man ran his hand over with fatigue knowing that the conversation would have no effect. Vendel slowly turned towards Aaarrrgghh, Toby, Jim and Anoana who were standing behind the two trolls who were arguing
- Well your youngster is trying to play the hero," he muttered casting a glance at Jim and then looked at Blinkous again pointing an accusatory finger at him, "You, on the other hand, are looking for danger where there is none," accused Vendel
Anoana was alert she listened to what Vendel was saying at the same time she did not take her eyes off Jim and Tobes, seeing them both lower their heads in a sign of defeat after the old man's words her heart beat harder seeing their sad faces she moved to stand between them and put her stone hands on their shoulders, sending them a small warm smile of encouragement wanting to make them feel better with poor results.
Both boys smiled briefly at the widow however, their grim expression returned, she squeezed her hand tighter on the troll hunter's shoulder. Vendel moved forward - Aaarrrgghh take me home," ordered Vendel, the larger troll muttered something in agreement moving towards the exit but stopped to look at the widow with a silent question if he was coming with them.
Anoana merely shook her head in response to Aaarrrgghh, she pulled her hand off Toby's shoulder as he moved behind Vendel and Aaarrrgghh to escort the market chief away. Anoana glanced at Jim seeing him looking awkwardly at the floor, out of the corner of her eye she watched Blinky who crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance. Anoana sensed that she should leave to give them space to talk however she was not going to do so without adding her words
- Don't lose faith troll hunter - Whispered the widow, leaning closer to the smaller teenager to be on an equal level with him, the boy at her words raised his head to look at her - You know what you saw - she continued as she turned her gaze away from the boy to look at the ship - It's been centuries since Gunmar has been in the land of shadows, it's obvious that he will want to escape - she explained interrupting the
- Having a loyal son at your side who could take on armies of shapeshifters at any time - She swallowed hard again interrupting her words, she let go of his arm continuing to look towards the ship and not towards Jim - Not everyone will believe you or follow you however no one can question what you saw - Finally she looked at him as the boy looked at her with a puzzled expression as he tried to understand her words
- You can make them believe your word and I know a person who will investigate the matter," she added with a gentle smile, Jim furrowed his eyebrows only watched as the widow cast a quick glance in the direction of the blue troll, who still stood there like an offended child with his arms crossed over his chest. He crossed all four arms and his cheeks pouted like an offended child.
Jim wanted answers from the widow and maybe even an explanation of how to make Vendel believe a human troll hunter, Jim just like the woman before him looked towards the ship. Anoana only shook her head, the widow spoke puzzlingly to the teenager specifically would the young boy discover the answers to her words on his own
- Vendel thinks you got carried away by your imagination when Blinkous told you the story of the trolls," she muttered, placing her hand on the teenager's shoulder again, "Imagination can sharpen our senses preparing us for the unexpected, you're a troll hunter worried you'll have to face Gunmar or his son," she sighed.
- I believe you saw the bridge however the question is, where is the bridge? - she asked deafeningly and the teenager shook his head, no longer believing himself.
Jim almost threw up his arms pointing to the ship, he could have sworn on his life that he had seen the bridge right here - I swear I saw it here - Jim argued looking around the room hoping to find a clue to where the bridge might have disappeared however he saw nothing in particular - How am I supposed to find the bridge when even now I'm not sure I saw it - Jim sighed, his nostrils flared as he looked pityingly at the widow who was taller than him
Anoana gently tilted her head - Do you stop believing in yourself? - She asked, but she knew the answer to this question, Jim reluctantly nodded his head - Bad - she reprimanded him - Very bad, a good warrior does not doubt himself - she squeezed his arm tighter, wanting to encourage him, although she did not know if it actually worked.
The widow looked at the boy waiting for his question seeing it forming in his head - You talk about a good fighter, when I'm not even a good fighter - He muttered looking at the troll next to him - How do you know I will be a good fighter? - He raised his eyebrow suspiciously
Anoana only giggled shaking her head at the teenager's question - You have to find the answer to this question yourself - She joined her hands on her stomach as she looked at Jim, who only mumbled without getting a sufficient answer, she knew he was speaking in riddles however she wanted to hint to the boy what to look for in the dark corridors of ignorance to discover what he had not yet discovered himself - When you find the answer you will tell me yourself - she smiled gently
- Are you a good fighter Jim Lake Jr? -
Jim clenched his jaws tighter as he looked at the ship Anoana sensing Blinky approaching Jim stepped back to give them space - I swear he was here - Jim muttered wanting to look at Anoane who was not next to him, when he turned around he met Blinkous who was approaching the teenager
- Maybe Vendel is right," muttered Blinkous, "Na I told you fairy tales and you let your imagination run wild," Blinky stated, so many questions were boiling in Jim's head so many riddles at once that he didn't know what to do himself. Jim only firmly shook his head believing that he had not predicted and saw the bridge of the decapitated head, when the teenager wanted to ask the widow something he noticed that the widow raised her hands above her head like a bird preparing to fly and her body begins to surround magic at the same time shrinking to the size of a small hummingbird, which quickly escapes through the open window through which Jim and Toby entered.
Jim sighed heavily as he looked at his mentor, "It's my fault," stated Blinky pulling the teenager out of his reverie, Lake had not previously caught the sad tone of his mentor however, when he realized this he wanted to help Blinky regain his faith that he was not at fault and maybe even helped
- No - Denied the boy coming closer to the troll so he could see him - It's not your fault at all - Argued the boy further - Please believe me, just like she believed me... Well - Jim interrupted his argument for a moment realizing that he didn't know the widow's name and yet she messed with his head, he put his hand on his chest - Well like that troll, I really know what I saw - he argued as the teenager's shoulders slumped to the side just like Blinky's
The light blue troll only sighed heavily, turning towards the teenager - If there is no proof they must be somewhere else - Blinky stated grabbing Jim's arm wanting to give him his support, Jim stood there with a serious look on his face as he watched the desire to uncover the conspiracy arouse in the blue troll - Get on with your studies better - He instructed in an authoritarian tone - And I will investigate," the troll whispered, sending a small smile towards the teenager, who reciprocated.
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hisirdoux-ambrosius · 4 years
Alright guys you’re gonna have absolutely nothing to go off of, as far as my actual writing capabilities go, because this page is fresher than Jim Lake’s haircut BUT if you feel like youre missing out on ToA fics hit me up 😌❤️
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winter-leftovers · 11 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter thirteen: Something Rotten This Way Comes (13/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: The aftermath of the battle with Angor Rot makes Jim take a decision. Douxie helps Y/n.
Word count: 2666
Warnings: this is one of my favourite chapters. That’s the warning.
(Episodes 26)
Song?: Afterglow by Taylor Swift
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Y/n sat on the floor and observed Vendel work on her mother's injuries. She sighed. If only she could be the master wizard that Al insisted she was, her mother wouldn’t be in this situation.
“We’ll have to move her to the heart stone” Vendel turned to Y/n before starting to fix Strickler's wounds.
She nodded “She can’t heal like this can she?”
“No. She can’t” Vendel answered.
“Is there something we can do about the spell?” She asked.
“I’m afraid not. It’s Gumm-Gumm magic and thus, I don’t know the proper incantation” Vendel explained.
Y/n sighed again and walked to Strickler. He was lucky she didn’t remember her magic training
“I know you know how to break this spell. For your own good, I suggest you help out because I will find a way to break the spell and then your spine” she whispered to the changeling.
He didn’t answer. He only nodded.
Y/n looked back at Vendel, the troll was looking at her with his eyebrows raised “Our sessions are working”
Y/n ignored him and followed her mother to the heart stone.
“So, when you and your friends said you were going camping…” Barbara asked.
“We were getting a Triumbric stone from a place called Gatto’s Keep” Jim fixed his mother’s blanket.
“Right. And when Steve crashed his vespa?”
“Vulture troll…?” Y/n answered. She was sitting at the feet of the bed made of stone.
“And your guidance counselor?”
Y/n and Jim looked at each other.
“Blinky” Jim sighed “He does give me a lot of guidance”
Y/n smiled.
“I just can’t. It’s just…too much” Barbara’s voice was shaking “You really shouldn’t be putting yourself in danger like this. I'm your mother. I protect you, that’s the deal”
“I’m fine, mom. You don’t need to protect me. I think this is what I was meant to do” Jim took out the amulet and put on his armor.
“Woah” Barbara was blinded by the lights coming out of Jim.
“I should’ve told you sooner. Maybe none of this would have happened”
“You’re supposed to be able to tell me anything” Barbara sniffled and put his hand on top of the amulet in Jim’s chest. The armor disappeared.
“I never should have lied to you” Jim said.
Y/n looked down. She was making the same mistake her brother did. She should be able to tell their mother about what had been going on with her but something inside wouldn’t let her.
“Jim? A word?” Vendel interrupted.
Jim kissed her mother’s forehead and left the room to talk to Vendel.
Barbara looked at her daughter. Y/n smiled at her mother and laid down next to her.
“I’m sorry” Y/n whispered into her mother’s arm.
“You’re still kids” Barbara brushed Y/n’s hair with her hand “It’s too much responsibility”
Tears fell from Y/n’s eyes. She had never felt like a kid. She had always felt like something older than an adult, especially since Jim found the amulet and listening to her mother say that she was a kid made that uneasiness more heavy. She wondered if she ever felt like a kid back in her old life
Barbara grabbed Y/n’s hand and whimpered.
“Mom?” With her free hand she whipped the tears away
“It’s…okay” Barbara whispered.
“It’s not” Y/n grabbed her mother’s hand with both her hands and closed her eyes. She took her mother’s hand to her forehead and took a deep breath. A red lighting exploded in her head, the memory of an old spell came back to her.
“How are you doing it?” Barbara asked, her voice stronger than before.
“Doesn’t matter” Y/n opened her eyes and smiled.
Jim and Vendel came back and they brought Strickler and Blinky with them.
Strickler ran to hold Barbara's other hand.
“Thank you for doing this for me” Jim said from behind Y/n.
“I’m doing it for her” Strickler answered.
‘Too late to play Romeo’ Y/n thought.
A small portal opened and through it, the shadow staff came flying stabbing a piece of paper to the wall.
“The incantation” screamed Blinky grabbing the shadow staff
“But where are Toby and Claire?” Screamed Jim.
“We must prepare the conjuration at once!” Vendel grabbed the paper and read the incantation “Oh, it seems there is another problem”
“What?” Y/n let go of her mother’s hand and walked to Vendel
“What do you mean there’s another problem?” Jim complained.
Y/n took the paper from Vendel’s hands and read it.
“Oh” she said
“What is it?” Jim asked.
“When they severed the bond between mom and Strickler she’ll lose some of her memory” Y/n explained.
“What are you saying? I’m going to forget TrollMarket? That Jim is the trollhunter?” Barbara asked.
“I’ll leave you with a moment of privacy” Vendel took back the incantation and Strickler before leaving “then we should enact the conjuration”
“Guess we’re gonna have to have this conversation again” Jim said from the left side of the bed.
Barbara took their children’s hand “Jim, Y/n, listen to me. Promise me we will. Okay? It took all of this for you to tell me about” she winces “your other life”
“I just didn’t want to worry you and I know I have” Jim said
“Yes, yes, you have. I am worried. I’m scared. But listen to me. It is my job to worry. And it’s not your job to protect me. I want you to know something. Even before you found this amulet..way before all of this you were always my hero. My beautiful children” the three of them hugged.
The door opened. Vendel and Strickler were back.
“The time has come, '' Vendel had a yellow crystal in his hands “place your hands upon the gemstone”
Barbara lifted her hand.
Before Strickler could do the same he tried to apologize “Barbara, I..”
“Don’t talk to me. You’re the one thing I’m looking forward to forgetting” she looked away
Vendel recited the incantation.
“Jim, promise me. After this is over don’t keep your trollhunting a secret from me anymore. Promise me” Barbara asked one last time.
Yellow lighting traveled through Barbara’s arm back to the stone and from the stone to Strickler’s arm.
Y/n felt the magic travel through trollmarket. The spell was a powerful one and the magic it took to undo it was even more powerful.
“Forgive me, Barbara” he grunted.
“Jim promise me” Barbara pleaded.
Jim nodded.
Jim and Y/n sat in the emergency room next to her mother’s bed.
“She’ll be safe here” Y/n whispered.
Jim nodded
“I’m going to the bathroom” Jim stood up from the chair he was sharing with her sister and tucked her mother up. He was going to leave the room but
“Jim? Is that you?” Barbara woke up “Honey what happened?”
Y/n stood up and walked to her mother’s bed.
“Hi, mom” she moved her hair from her face. She turned to her brother and saw him looking down at his amulet.
“Something happened last night. Something you can’t tell anyone” Jim walked back to the bed.
“What is it? Why do you look so worried?” She turned to see him more closely.
“Well… uh…there was…an accident” Jim put back the amulet in his back pocket “you fainted, you bumped your head. I drove you here”
Y/n sighed “Mom…” Jim looked at her sister. His eyes pleading her to lie for him “I’m sorry. I should’ve been there”
“My hero” Barbara smiled and put his hand on Jim’s cheek “I know there are things going on with you, Jim. Things you don’t want to tell me.”
“There are? I mean you do?” Jim pulled back
“Well, sure, you’re sixteen. You have your own life. I just want you to know…there’s nothing you can’t share with me. Whatever it is, I can take it”
Jim looked at her sister. Y/n didn’t say anything. It was Jim's secret. She couldn’t choose for him. Jim looked back at her mother and smiled.
“I know you can”
Y/n sat in the cold hospital room looking at her mother sleep. Their mother was no longer in immediate danger. And maybe Jim was right, if Barbara knew about the secret they’ve been keeping it will only put her in more danger.
Y/n’s eyes started to close when her phone woke her up. It was Toby. Y/n stepped out of the room to take the call. She was closing the door when Toby’s words reached her ears “Jim went to the Darklands” She made the boy repeat those exact words a couple times still unable to understand when she hung up.
Y/n started to walk, without a destination in mind, she just wanted to get out. Out of this feeling. Out of this anxiety she’s been feeling. The air was getting stuck in her lungs and suddenly, she couldn’t breathe.
Y/n grabbed the pole of one of the lights and with the other hand grabbed her chest, her nails trying to pry it open and let the air in. She slowly sat down, tears pouring out of her eyes. She wasn’t sure when she started crying but her shirt was already soaked.
She sat there, her eyes set on Benoit's neon sign, too nervous to look anywhere else. She closed her eyes and tried to repel the thoughts of Jim in the Darklands, Jim fighting Gunmar, Jim being torn apart by Gunmar.
She opened her eyes and saw Douxie, he was crouching next to her. She didn’t hear him get close. The sadness in his eyes made her start to cry again
“Darling, what’s going on?” Douxie sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders.
She just nodded, the words didn’t want to come out.
“It’s okay. Take your time” he rubbed her back.
“My mother is in the hospital” she was able to say after a while.
“Is everything okay? I mean…”
“Yes…she’s alright” she interrupted “She’ll be able to come home tomorrow” Tears started to fall again at the thought of Jim not being there tomorrow.
“It’s okay” Douxie hugged her “You can stay with me until you have to pick your mother up” he offered without letting her go.
“Oh, no” she pulled apart and cleaned the tears with her sleeve “I don’t want to bother. Really. I’ll be fine”
“You’re more than welcome” he kissed her forehead “c'mon. Follow me” he stood up and stretched his arm.
She followed him. She followed him anywhere.
“C’mon in” Douxie closed the door behind Y/n “It’s a little bit messy, sorry”
Y/n frowned. The room wasn’t messy and she lived with a sixteen year old boy if someone knew messy it was her.
“Let’s sit” Douxie took her by the shoulders and guided her to the couch “Do you want some tea?”
“Sure” Y/n sat down and listened to Douxie put the kettle on the stove.
Y/n looked around, the living room wasn’t big but it was big enough.
“Do you feel better?” He sat next to her.
She nodded. She didn’t want to talk. She was afraid to make him uncomfortable. And, if she was honest, she wouldn't be able to return home tonight.
She turned to him.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” He grabbed her hand from her lap.
“Yeah. I’m cried out” she smiled.
It wasn’t a lie. The sadness was there but she didn’t have any more tears.
“It must be hard. You and…fuzz buckets…Jim” Douxie stood up “Where is he? We should g…”
“No!” Y/n said firmy.
Douxie looked back alarmed.
“Sorry. No” she said softly “He at Toby’s. At his best friend's house. I thought it would be better for him” she smiled.
Maybe if she repeated it enough, maybe if she thought it enough it would be true. Jim would appear at Toby’s house and his escape to the Darklands would be just a bad dream.
“That’s nice. Maybe that would take his mind off it” he sat back down.
Y/n nodded.
“Is there something I can do to keep your mind out of this bad place?” He took her hand back.
Y/n looked back at him, he looked sincere. He always looked sincere when he was talking to her. Maybe she was overreacting. Maybe the conversation he had the other day wasn’t about her. If he didn’t want her he wouldn’t had invited her to his house.
“Hey? Where you go?” He smiled.
“Can…can I ask you something?” She looked down
Douxie nodded.
“Do you think I’m annoying?” She didn’t want to look at his face, scared of what he might say.
He squeezed her hand “Where did you get that?” He sounded offended.
“Well…this is stupid…the other day I heard you talking with your friend and she said something about a boundary and I thought…”
“Darling, no. I would never. I was talking about my boss. Is that why you were mad the other day at the store? I would never…” he lifted her chin so she could look him into his eyes “I would never get tired of you…never”
Relief washed all over her. The sincerity that was always in Douxie's eyes was still there.
“You must think I'm a weirdo now” she looked down.
Douxie got a little closer making her look back at him “Never” and quickly close the distance between them. His right hand that was on top of Y/n’s hands got to her cheek, with his thumb wiping away the tears falling from her eyes.
Y/n grabbed Douxie’s shirt in an attempt to get him closer. She imagined kissing Douxie a thousand times but nothing could prepare her for what it actually was. She didn’t have words to explain what he was making her feel.
The kettle whistled making them separate.
“I should get that before…you know…” Douxie pointed to the kettle, his eyes still focused on Y/n.
She nodded.
Douxie disappeared into the kitchen and Y/n let herself fall into the couch, a big smile on her face.
“How about a tour?” Douxie put down his cup.
“Sure” Y/n chuckled.
“Over here is the couch where Arch and I watch TV and eat. Well, I eat, he hasn't been allowed to eat here since the ‘incident’ ” He whispered the last part. Y/n smiled. She remembered the picture Douxie had sent her after Archie ate a can of tuna on the couch smearing it all over the brown leather.
“That’s Archie’s corner” on the left side of the room, next to a window, there was a big cat tree that seemed new except for one of the small poles. “And that’s the guitar and books corner” on the other side, he had two electric guitars and an acoustic one.
“You really didn’t need all those strings” Y/n she laughed.
“Huuh” Douxie blushed.
Y/n smiled and walked to the small library next to the guitars. On top of the library he had three pictures: one of an annoyed Archie in a suit, one of him and Archie in a city that Y/n didn’t recognise and the last one, the one that caught Y/n eyes, it a was an old picture of a couple in Machu Picchu, the quality was so low that you couldn’t see the couple’s faces, the man looked like Douxie.
“Are these your parents?” Y/n lifted the frame from its place. She caressed the frame. “They looked happy”
“They were” he smiled. Douxie walked up to Y/n and kissed her head “They were”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t…” Y/n looked up to Douxie. He was looking at her and smiling.
“You have beautiful eyes” he whispered.
“You too” she put the frame back without taking her eyes off him.
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A/n: Hello hello. I’m back and I’m sad. My dog died. All words escape me this days so that’s why I didn’t update I’m sorry.
I really like how this chapter turned out. I like writing more out my head than rewriting something I’m seeing if that makes sense hshshs.
Anyway, hope you like it and hug your pets for me tonight 💖
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alovesongshewrote · 3 years
Whumptober Day 14 - Under Pressure | Angor Rot
Plot: You befriend Angor Rot. Then he's forced to kill you. (Angot Rot x Reader)
Warnings: bruising, general sadness, canonical character death
A/N: this one's just kinda sad. Today's prompt is force.
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Y’all remember the inferna copula, and how whoever wears it can control Angor Rot, forcing him to do anything they want him to?
Ok, ok, lemme set this up
In Arcadia
And shit
Is getting weird
And you’re poking around when suddenly
And you’re like
And then he fuckin says, “Prepare to die” or whatever
And then you’re like
“AAA, SURPRISE TROLL MAN with a nice voice holy shit”
Which is fucking valid
That is literally my reaction every time he speaks
You being more surprised than scared in turn surprises Angor
Since, y’know
Usually people are terrified of him
And you aren’t exactly terrified
You aren’t screaming or anything, you’re just kinda
Looking at him
So instead of killing you, he just goes
“What? What are you looking at?”
To which you respond
“Nothing, sir.”
“Sorry, I meant-”
Internally, you’re basically doing the “sorry mommy” thing
But it’s modified slightly
And poor Angor is so
By this
That he decides to let you live
He just
Backs away
While you glitch out irl
I mean
It’s not like he was ordered to kill you
This is fine!
It’s not fine
He sees you around more, and
To his dismay
He starts to like you
You’re weird, and you’re fun, and you don’t treat him like a weapon
He likes that about you
And really
He could deal with that
He could silently like you from afar
Appreciate your particular brand of you
But alas
You like him back :/
You laugh at his dry humor, you appreciate him for who he is, and for what he is
You are, unfortunately, too likeable
And you’re also, unfortunately, too smart
You figure out what’s up with the Janus Order and Gunmar
And you’re like
“What the fuck, I have to tell someone”
To which strickler (or whoever has the inferna copula) responds
And then whoever it is orders Angor to kill you
As you could probably predict
Angor doesn’t really want to do
Alas, they have his soul
He has to kill you
Or at the very least
He has to make it look like he tried
He breaks into your home while you’re sleeping
He wakes you up, and tells you to stay quiet
And then
He grabs your wrist and squeezes until a bruise forms beneath his hand
And, of course, you’re like
“Angor, what the fuck”
But he just
Shushes you
And tells you that he’s sorry, and that you need to run
And despite the new bruise on your wrist
You trust him
You run
You leave arcadia and you go somewhere safe
And you kind of assume that one day, he’ll come find you
Part of Angor
A stupid, hopeful part
Hopes that one day, he will find you
And the two of you can be happy together
But alas
We all know what happened to Angor
So you just, kind of
Or at least you wait until the fuckin guardians of arcadia pull a time reset
Things will probably work out better this time
For you, at least
Idk about everyone else
I just know that when Angor sees you in the new timeline
He finds you oddly familiar
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